Guess who in the studio with the Gibson SG
So, what's been happening, you may well ask.  A little and a lot, all at once. But that's life, eh?
On the plus side, Jack is starting to feel better...a little bit.  We're going to go on another road trip, this time to visit friends and to see Crater Lake again.
That should be nice.
I'm hoping for a chance at creativity during this venture too.

Lately took some time away from recording to study up for me motorcycle license permit test.  I know...God help us all with me on the road, but oh well. Wish me luck!

I have a small studio room in the flat now, so will be able to work on things pretty much whenever I want.  No interruptions, no outside noise. YAY!    Working on a Blues Opera takes a lot of concentration.
More on that soon!
For now...
love to all!

Saloon Blues cover art by rcw
Been a while between posts, but I have been working.
Latest installment, demo of "Saloon Blues."
It seems even while crazy I can still work....so yay!

Been going to the Utah Hotel open mic for a few weeks now, going solo because Jack is still undergoing treatment for the torn rotater cuff (shoulder).  
It feels weird, but also feels completely natural.  Being onstage is a comfortable place for me. 
Tomorrow I hope to do some more recording, trying to combine a collection of some blues.  The Saloon (oldest Blues House in San Francisco) accepts audition CDs, so I'm gonna submit one.
Life goes on.
Randi on Bro Jud's Show @2005
Still at it, a kind of creativity binge..."Take It Easy Blues" is the latest musical installment.  I'll confess that "Elvis," "There You Were, " "Jah Love" and "Take It Easy" were recorded by me.  Jack has been not feeling well enough yet to do any music.
His imput is deeply and sorely missed.  I think I overcompensated for his absence and overproduced "Elvis," "Jah" and "There You Were."  Oh well. At least "Take It Easy" was minimal.
Onward to the next.
Got the old Gibson SG guitar reworked...Haven't played electric guitar much, lots to learn. But am doing it!!
More to come.
P.S.  Yes...still crazy.
Been a while....lots of things fell to the way side a few weeks ago, I had a kind of break down.  Ugh!   It's a real hassle, gets in the way of lots of things.
But on a good note, two songs got produced in as many weeks.

Good family, good friends and good music.
So what if it takes getting crazy a bit'
Here it is, the end of 2011....what can be said of this previous year?
Lots....politically, environmentally, spiritually....the world's a busy place!

We've had our own things keeping us busy; Jack's health being the biggest thing of all.  But there's light at the end of the tunnel.  His arm is getting better with physical therapy.  So soon he'll be playing guitar again.
In the meantime, we do what we can.

My prayer for the coming year is that we all find a sense of peace, or at least peace of mind.  I pray that we learn that there's another way to do things..that blood is not the only answer.  

Mostly I pray that we just sort of all learn to get along....we're a great species, given the chance we could develop into something incredible!

Happy New Year.
There are probably a ton of people out there getting ready for what ever festivities they celebrate this time of year.
Yours truly is no different.  For the next several days (and a few days before this writing) the kitchen will be my domain.   The studio will, for the most part, sit quiet until the deed is done.  As you can see by the pictures, there are cookies everywhere!   If you want to see the recipes, go to my cooking blog -Cooking And Life.

December is a crazy time!  Holidays and families....so much to do.
Been trying to get back to music, but lately have been doing more website work and uploading than making new songs.
Oh well.
Good news though, Jack is finally getting some physical therapy for his shoulder. The therapist thinks she can help him get well enough to play guitar again!  Hello light at the end of the tunnel!  Been a while!
For now, I made a bit of artwork on the computer today, thinking about Mark, my birthson.  His birthday is today.   Good phone call last night.

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Been doing the holiday thing....cooking, cooking, cooking mainly.  For Thanksgiving we went to Jack's sister's house....we brought the apple pie and lots of home made bread.
We had a wonderful time.
Now it's back to updating the site, working on more songs and getting back to what we do best....music.

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